SQL-SERVER SYSTEM TABLE1IT/DB 2024. 10. 8. 05:29728x90반응형
syscolumns (all databases)
Contains one row for every column in every table and view, and a row for each parameter in a stored procedure.
Column Datatype Description id int ID of the table to which this column belongs or of the stored procedure with which this parameter is associated. number smallint Subprocedure number when the procedure is grouped (0 for nonprocedure entries). colid tinyint Column ID. status tinyint Bitmap used to describe a property of the column or the parameter:
0x08 The column allows null values.
0x40 The parameter is an OUTPUT parameter.
0x80 The column is an identity column.type tinyint Physical storage type; copied from systypes. length tinyint Physical length of data; copied from systypes or supplied by the user. offset smallint Offset into the row where this column appears; if negative, variable-length column. usertype smallint User type ID; copied from systypes. cdefault int ID of the stored procedure that generates the default value for this column. domain int ID of the stored procedure that contains the rule for this column. name varchar(30) Column name. printfmt varchar(255) Reserved. prec tinyint Level of precision for this column. scale tinyint Scale for this column. sysconstraints (all databases)
Contains mappings of constraints to the objects that own the constraints.
Column Datatype Description constid int Constraint ID. id int ID of the table that owns the constraint. colid tinyint ID of the column on which the constraint is defined. 0 if a table constraint. spare1 tinyint Reserved. status int 1 PRIMARY KEY constraint
2 UNIQUE KEY constraint
3 FOREIGN KEY constraint
4 CHECK constraint
5 DEFAULT constraint
16 Column-level constraint
32 Table-level constraintactions int Reserved. error int Reserved. sysdepends (all databases)
Contains one row for each procedure, view, or table that is referenced by a procedure, view, or trigger.
Column Datatype Description id int Object ID. number smallint Procedure number. depid int Dependent object ID. depnumber smallint Dependent procedure number. depdbid smallint Reserved. depsiteid smallint Reserved. status smallint Internal status information. selall bit On if the object is used in a SELECT * statement. resultobj bit On if the object is being updated. readobj bit On if the object is being read. sysindexes (all databases)
Contains one row for each clustered index and one row for each nonclustered index. These indexes are the result of a CREATE INDEX statement or the CREATE TABLE statement with a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint. Additionally, sysindexes contains one row for each table that has no clustered index and one row for each table that contains text or image columns.
Column Datatype Description name varchar(30) Name of table (for indid = 0 or 255). Otherwise, name of index. id int ID of table (for indid = 0 or 255). Otherwise, ID of table to which the index belongs. indid smallint ID of index:
0 Table
1 Clustered index
>1 Nonclustered
255 Entry for tables that have text
or image datadpages int For indid = 0 or indid = 1, dpages is the count of used data-only pages. For indid = 255, rows is set to 0. Otherwise, dpages is the count of leaf-level index pages. reserved int For indid = 0 or indid = 1, reserved is the total of pages allocated for all indexes on the table and the data pages. For indid = 255, reserved is the total pages allocated for text or image data.
Otherwise, reserved is the total count of pages allocated only for this index.used int For indid = 0 or indid = 1, used is the total count of pages used for all indexes on the table and the data pages. For indid = 255, used is the total pages used for text or image data. Otherwise, used is the total count of pages used only for this index. rows int The data-level row count based on indid = 0 or indid = 1. This value is repeated for indid > 1. For indid = 255, rows is set to 0. first int Pointer to first data or leaf page. root int For indid >= 1 and < 255, root is the pointer to the root page. For indid = 0 or indid = 255, root is the pointer to the last page. distribution int Pointer to distribution page (if entry is an index). OrigFillFactor tinyint The original fillfactor value used when the index was created. This value is not maintained; however, it can be helpful if you need to re-create an index and do not remember what fillfactor was used. segment smallint Number of segment in which this object resides. status smallint Internal system-status information:
1 Cancel command if attempt to insert duplicate key
2 Unique index
4 Cancel command if attempt to insert duplicate row
16 Clustered index
64 Index allows duplicate rows
2048 Index used to enforce PRIMARY KEY constraint
4096 Index used to enforce UNIQUE constraintrowpage smallint Maximum count of rows per page. minlen smallint Minimum size of a row. maxlen smallint Maximum size of a row. maxirow smallint Maximum size of a nonleaf index row. keycnt smallint Number of keys. keys1 varbinary(255) Description of key columns (if entry is an index). keys2 varbinary(255) Description of key columns (if entry is an index). soid tinyint Sort order ID that the index was created with. 0 if there is no character data in the keys. csid tinyint Character set ID that the index was created with. 0 if there is no character data in the keys. sysobjects (all databases)
Contains one row for each object (constraint, default, log, rule, stored procedure, and so on) created within a database. In tempdb only, this table includes a row for each temporary object.
Column Datatype Description name varchar(30) Object name. id int Object ID. uid smallint User ID of owner object. type char(2) One of the following object types:
C CHECK constraint
D Default or DEFAULT constraint
F FOREIGN KEY constraint
K PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint
L Log
P Stored procedure
R Rule
RF Stored procedure for replication
S System table
TR Trigger
U User table
V View
X Extended stored procedureuserstat smallint Application-dependent type information. sysstat smallint Internal-status information. indexdel smallint Index delete count (incremented if an index is deleted). schema smallint Count of changes in schema of a given object (incremented if a rule or default is added). refdate datetime Reserved for future use. crdate datetime Indicates the date that the object was created. version datetime Reserved for future use. deltrig int Stored-procedure ID of a delete trigger. instrig int Stored-procedure ID of an insert trigger. updtrig int Stored-procedure ID of an update trigger. seltrig int Reserved. category int Used for publication, constraints, and identity. cache smallint Reserved. systypes (all databases)
Contains one row for each system-supplied and each user-defined datatype. Domains (defined by rules) and defaults are given if they exist. The rows that describe system-supplied datatypes cannot be altered. The system-supplied datatypes and their ID numbers (the contents of the name and type fields, respectively) are as follows:
Column Datatype Description uid smallint User ID of datatype creator. usertype smallint User type ID. variable bit Variable-length datatype is 1, otherwise, 0. allownulls bit Indicates the default nullability for this datatype. If nullability is specified with the CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then that value will override the default nullability for this datatype. type tinyint Physical storage datatype. length tinyint Physical length of datatype. tdefault int ID of stored procedure that generates default for this datatype. domain int ID of stored procedure that contains integrity checks for this datatype. name varchar(30) Datatype name. printfmt varchar(255) Reserved. prec tinyint Level of precision for this datatype. scale tinyint Scale for this datatype. Scale is based on precision. 728x90'IT > DB' 카테고리의 다른 글
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